Gossipsub is a P2P pubsub (publish/subscription) routing layer designed to extend upon
flooodsub and meshsub routing protocols.
# Overview
*Note: The gossipsub protocol specifications
(https://github.com/libp2p/specs/tree/master/pubsub/gossipsub) provide an outline for the
routing protocol. They should be consulted for further detail.*
Gossipsub is a blend of meshsub for data and randomsub for mesh metadata. It provides bounded
degree and amplification factor with the meshsub construction and augments it using gossip
propagation of metadata with the randomsub technique.
The router maintains an overlay mesh network of peers on which to efficiently send messages and
metadata. Peers use control messages to broadcast and request known messages and
subscribe/unsubscribe from topics in the mesh network.
# Important Discrepancies
This section outlines the current implementation's potential discrepancies from that of other
implementations, due to undefined elements in the current specification.
- **Topics** - In gossipsub, topics configurable by the `hash_topics` configuration parameter.
Topics are of type `TopicHash`. The current go implementation uses raw utf-8 strings, and this
is default configuration in rust-libp2p. Topics can be hashed (SHA256 hashed then base64
encoded) by setting the `hash_topics` configuration parameter to true.
- **Sequence Numbers** - A message on the gossipsub network is identified by the source
`PeerId` and a nonce (sequence number) of the message. The sequence numbers in this
implementation are sent as raw bytes across the wire. They are 64-bit big-endian unsigned
integers. They are chosen at random in this implementation of gossipsub, but are sequential in
the current go implementation.
# Using Gossipsub
## GossipsubConfig
The [`GossipsubConfig`] struct specifies various network performance/tuning configuration
parameters. Specifically it specifies:
[`GossipsubConfig`]: struct.GossipsubConfig.html
- `protocol_id` - The protocol id that this implementation will accept connections on.
- `history_length` - The number of heartbeats which past messages are kept in cache (default: 5).
- `history_gossip` - The number of past heartbeats that the node will send gossip metadata
about (default: 3).
- `mesh_n` - The target number of peers store in the local mesh network.
(default: 6).
- `mesh_n_low` - The minimum number of peers in the local mesh network before.
trying to add more peers to the mesh from the connected peer pool (default: 4).
- `mesh_n_high` - The maximum number of peers in the local mesh network before removing peers to
reach `mesh_n` peers (default: 12).
- `gossip_lazy` - The number of peers that the local node will gossip to during a heartbeat (default: `mesh_n` = 6).
- `heartbeat_initial_delay - The initial time delay before starting the first heartbeat (default: 5 seconds).
- `heartbeat_interval` - The time between each heartbeat (default: 1 second).
- `fanout_ttl` - The fanout time to live time period. The timeout required before removing peers from the fanout
for a given topic (default: 1 minute).
- `max_transmit_size` - This sets the maximum transmission size for total gossipsub messages on the network.
- `hash_topics` - Whether to hash the topics using base64(SHA256(topic)) or to leave as plain utf-8 strings.
- `manual_propagation` - Whether gossipsub should immediately forward received messages on the
network. For applications requiring message validation, this should be set to false, then the
application should call `propagate_message(message_id, propagation_source)` once validated, to
propagate the message to peers.
This struct implements the `Default` trait and can be initialised via
## Gossipsub
The [`Gossipsub`] struct implements the `NetworkBehaviour` trait allowing it to act as the
routing behaviour in a `Swarm`. This struct requires an instance of `PeerId` and
[`Gossipsub`]: struct.Gossipsub.html
## Example
An example of initialising a gossipsub compatible swarm:
#extern crate libp2p;
#extern crate futures;
#extern crate tokio;
#use libp2p::gossipsub::GossipsubEvent;
#use libp2p::{identity, gossipsub,
# tokio_codec::{FramedRead, LinesCodec},
let local_key = identity::Keypair::generate_ed25519();
let local_pub_key = local_key.public();
// Set up an encrypted TCP Transport over the Mplex and Yamux protocols
let transport = libp2p::build_development_transport(local_key);
// Create a Floodsub/Gossipsub topic
let topic = libp2p::floodsub::TopicBuilder::new("example").build();
// Create a Swarm to manage peers and events
let mut swarm = {
// set default parameters for gossipsub
let gossipsub_config = gossipsub::GossipsubConfig::default();
// build a gossipsub network behaviour
let mut gossipsub =
gossipsub::Gossipsub::new(local_pub_key.clone().into_peer_id(), gossipsub_config);
// Listen on all interfaces and whatever port the OS assigns
let addr = libp2p::Swarm::listen_on(&mut swarm, "/ip4/".parse().unwrap()).unwrap();
println!("Listening on {:?}", addr);